Sturgeon, Wild

Jason Oh

Sustainability Rating:

Red – Avoid


White Sturgeon is a long-lived prehistoric and unique fish with tasty, firm meat, and highly prized roe.
Special Order (7 Days)

Available fresh around fall and spring for best prices


Where – Columbia River

How – Wild Caught

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Wild sturgeon is an underrated fish that deserves more attention. The flesh cooks up firm, solid and meaty almost like veal or chicken with a mild but distinctive flavor depending on their diet in freshwater compared to something caught brackish.

For Your Menu

White Sturgeon is great smoked. It is also delicious when baked, poached, or steamed – just don’t overcook it as the meat can easily become dry.

For Your Waitstaff

If your customers have never tried Sturgeon, this is a great opportunity for seafood lovers to add to their life experiences. Its unique meaty texture and mild flavor make it enjoyable with any wine from the Washington or Oregon area!

For Your Retail Display

Sturgeon offers a rare seafood opportunity. If you’re showcasing Sturgeon, add a few jars of Caviar to the display. Your Santa Monica Seafood Sales Rep can suggest a variety of options for any price point.