Sustainability Rating:
Red – Avoid
The Meat from the Queen Conch (a giant sea-snail).
Available Year-RoundWhere/How:
Where – Caribbean/Bahamas
How – Wild Caught/Diver
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Conch meat is enjoyed raw (salads, ceviche) or cooked (fritters, chowders). Conch has a sweet flavor, like abalone or clam, and a firm, crunchy texture.
For Your Menu
Conch is considered to be the main dish of the Bahamas – why not honor that legacy on your menu with a Bahamanian version? It’s delicious in a ceviche!
For Your Waitstaff
If your customer doesn’t know what a Conch looks like, you can describe it as the big shell you sometimes see tropical islanders using as a horn…
For Your Retail Display
If you can get your hands on a beautiful conch shell, it adds a nice touch to your display!