Drum, Black


Sustainability Rating:

GreyGrey – Unranked


The largest of the drum family, adults feed on all kinds of fish and shellfish – it’s been reported that a full grown black drum can consume up to 40 oysters a day!

Available Sporadically


Where – USA (Mid-Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico)

How – Wild Caught/Longline


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Black Drum has firm white flesh, and a mild almost sweet flavor. Cooks up tender with big flakes.

For Your Menu

Did you know Executive Chef Tory McPhail of Commander’s Palace in New Orleans won the title of 2009 Louisiana Seafood King at the Louisiana Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board’s Seafood Cook-Off,  with a Louisiana Seafood Mixed Grill that included grilled black drum? Chef McPhail went on to win the Great American Seafood Cook-off with the same recipe!

For Your Waitstaff

If your customers are looking for a unique fish they should give Black Drum a try. It’s not often found on menus outside of the south, but it’s a delicious fish!

For Your Retail Display

Make sure your customers grab a jar of Santa Monica Seafood Tartar Sauce – a perfect accompaniment to their Black Drum.