Sustainability Rating:
Grey – Unranked
Tail Meat from the Slipper Lobster
Available Year-RoundWhere/How:
Where – China
How – Wild Caught/Trap
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Slipper Lobsters have no claws – the meat we enjoy comes from the tail. It’s sweet and tasty and although not quite a substitute for Maine Lobster meat, it’s still delicious and versatile (at a good price). Slipper lobster meat is white and firm.
For Your Menu
Slipper Lobster Meat is great in soups (especially chowder), salads or other preparations where you would feature Rock Lobster meat.
For Your Waitstaff
Encourage your customers to try Slipper Lobster meat – it’s sweet and delicious!
For Your Retail Display
Let your customers know that although it’s not Maine Lobster, Slipper Lobster is delicious (and priced right)!