Governor Vetoes CA Senate Bill 1138

smseafoodIndustry News

We just received a copy of the California Governor’s official Veto of SB1138.  As you might recall we’ve been working for this veto – so we’re glad to know that the Governor agreed with us that although we need to continue to fight seafood fraud, this isn’t the best approach.

Here’s the Governor’s letter:

To Members of the California State Senate

I am returning Senate Bill 1138 without my signature.

Much of what the bill seeks to accomplish is good.  Requiring seafood producers and wholesalers to identify whether fish and shellfish are wild caught or farm raised, domestic or imported – these are reasonable and helpful facts for purchasers to know.

Requiring more precise, species-specific labeling of seafood, however, is not as easily achieved.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration publishes both market names and common names under which fish and shellfish may be sold. The bill’s requirement to use the FDA published common name in all fish and shellfish labels, unless the state promulgates a different common name, would create uncertainties and complexities that may not be easily resolved.

Proponents of this measure have made enormous strides in helping consumers and policymakers understand the health, safety and sustainability impacts in our consumption of seafood

Let’s continue to work to give California consumers information that will help them make wise decisions.


Edmund G. Brown Jr.